The camera introduces us to
unconscious optics
as does psychoanalysis to
unconscious impulses,
a quote by Walter Benjamin from his essay,
"Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction" (1936).

"Untitled," a photograph from around 1979, by Janice Guy.
Perhaps she re-imagined and reconfigured Benjamin's quote
as she held the camera and glanced in the mirror:
The camera introduces us to conscious impulses
and psychoanalytic optics...
Subject, Mirror, Camera
Ego, Super-ego, Id
Re-imagine and reconfigure...
Do you have a camera?
Whose your mirror?
Really cool picture
really cool picture
I agree...never get tired of looking at it. It is a picture that draws you in and dissolves you, while at the same time shocking you into an uncomfortable self-awareness.
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