Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Capitoilets...the pre-inaugural landscape

Preparations for the upcoming Swearing-In Ceremony are underway. Some spectators will be seated close in, others will stand far away. Nevertheless everyone braving the cold will be close to the blue walls.
I saw the first truckload of port-a-johns this morning, while driving along Independence Avenue near the Washington Monument. Then I noticed them everywhere. Rows and rows of port-a-johns. So during my lunch hour, I walked a few blocks into the shadow of the most notable dome in this city and marveled at how the terrain was re-framed by those other domes...capping the blue synthetic outhouses.

(Click here, if you wish to preview the privies at your own pace.)

By the time I headed home, the sun was setting and I still glimpsed a few trucks delivering their cargo. These lavatories stacked intermittently from the Capitol to the Vietnam Veteran's Memorial. Rows of blue headgear, lacking both context and content...at least for a few more days.


Motownrunner said...

don't forget you can also 'go' in the potomac!!

(Ken) said...

The Coast Guard is patrolling this weekend and that may not work out so well.... ;)

We have tickets for the inauguration and will be on the grounds of the Capitol Tuesday morning. At least that is the plan (weather permitting).

Maybe I will see more of the blue huts than I will care to remember.

Motownrunner said...

that is awesome!! take lots of pictures!!! i'll be looking for some good ones on your blog (no pressure)!!

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