Last night...they were predicting, and then revising their estimates as I glanced outside and the snow began to fall. This morning, I glanced again and smiled.
The county closed the schools, I took the day off in order to nurse the tail end of a nagging cold. The kids played outside. I shoveled. Daniela relaxed. And drop by drop the icicles hanging from our front portico...grew and grew. Throughout the day, I documented their glints and their guises, as the glass stalactites mimicked the girth of a pachyderm's snout. By nightfall, the longest one had reached 36 inches...and kept growing. Here are a few of those moments:
If you prefer to catch the droplets at your own pace, click here. And if all of this has left you nostalgic for 80's music of a similar vein...enjoy this classic and floe back in time.
I'm very glad you liked them :) When I returned home from work today, the largest icicle had fallen to the ground.
Barcelona in the springtime, I'm jealous. Daniela and I saw the film, "Vicky, Cristina, Barcelona" a few days ago and we were nostalgic for memories we could only dream about...
first off, your pictures rock. second, i never heard back from bill vlasic. he now works for the nytimes so maybe he's backed up with his email responses. entonces, mi ultimo punto. vicki cristina barcelona. you know that scene where penelope cruz totally loses it in the middle of the street??? i casually told my friend during the movie: oh, man, i've done that before. she looked at me, kind of shocked. as in, i have a psycho friend....the thing is...i think it was kinda funny and actually normal!!! don't you think at some point, everyone should kind of lose it in the middle of the street?? i love that freaking movie. it was better than slumdog, imho. besos. this was like a whole blog entry. thanks for the opportunity to write. besos!! margara
LOL! That scene you described from the movie was wonderful. My favorite part of the scene was how it was so "matter-of-fact." No crowd gathered to watch. She errupted. He said his peace. Then they go their ways. Part of love and life...
That is funny that you had one of these moments. I think it is healthy. You are not psycho :) And the more I think of the movie, the more I like it. A Woody Allen meets Almodovar type film. thing did bug me...all the research on Catalan identity being done by one of the girls failed to mention Catalan language...oops a biggie.
good point! It's exactly what we noticed when watched the movie. Not really "sensible", on behalf of Woody Allen, accepting the City Council funds to make the movie, not to even mention the least "Catalanity" in it. (No sé si m'he explicat!)
I'm reminded of a scene in the movie "L'Auberge Espagnole" where one of the visiting exchange students is sitting in a lecture hall and she asks the professor to lecture in Castellano so that she and the other exchange students could understand. He replies in Catalá, saying that if you want Castilian go to Madrid to study. It was a wonderful and simple scene that just touched on the politics of language.
...a space for focusing and commenting on images, for ranting in the lexicon of pictures, for exploring the dissonance and/or consonance between words and digital aperture into the marginalia of the everyday or the unusual.
Feel free to cast your own impression and post a comment, or remain underexposed, and lurk in the darkroom.
*· Translation! Festival 2019: Languages in Motion**· *
*Art Exhibition** “Confabulations and Other Wordscapes” *
*and a talk with the Italian Visual Ar...
Ken, mi piacciono molto queste foto. Qui, invece dei ghiacci eterni, sembra avvicinarsi la primavera...
Un abbraccio.
I'm very glad you liked them :) When I returned home from work today, the largest icicle had fallen to the ground.
Barcelona in the springtime, I'm jealous. Daniela and I saw the film, "Vicky, Cristina, Barcelona" a few days ago and we were nostalgic for memories we could only dream about...
Un abrazo!
Wow! Primo you truly have a gift of expression in words and pictures. Un abrazo
first off, your pictures rock.
second, i never heard back from bill vlasic. he now works for the nytimes so maybe he's backed up with his email responses.
entonces, mi ultimo punto. vicki cristina barcelona. you know that scene where penelope cruz totally loses it in the middle of the street??? i casually told my friend during the movie: oh, man, i've done that before. she looked at me, kind of shocked. as in, i have a psycho friend....the thing is...i think it was kinda funny and actually normal!!! don't you think at some point, everyone should kind of lose it in the middle of the street?? i love that freaking movie. it was better than slumdog, imho. besos. this was like a whole blog entry. thanks for the opportunity to write. besos!! margara
LOL! That scene you described from the movie was wonderful. My favorite part of the scene was how it was so "matter-of-fact." No crowd gathered to watch. She errupted. He said his peace. Then they go their ways.
Part of love and life...
That is funny that you had one of these moments. I think it is healthy. You are not psycho :) And the more I think of the movie, the more I like it. A Woody Allen meets Almodovar type film. thing did bug me...all the research on Catalan identity being done by one of the girls failed to mention Catalan language...oops a biggie.
Don't sweat the Vlasic thing. Un abrazo!
good point! It's exactly what we noticed when watched the movie. Not really "sensible", on behalf of Woody Allen, accepting the City Council funds to make the movie, not to even mention the least "Catalanity" in it. (No sé si m'he explicat!)
(És ver...Exacte ;)
I'm reminded of a scene in the movie "L'Auberge Espagnole" where one of the visiting exchange students is sitting in a lecture hall and she asks the professor to lecture in Castellano so that she and the other exchange students could understand. He replies in Catalá, saying that if you want Castilian go to Madrid to study. It was a wonderful and simple scene that just touched on the politics of language.
Barcelona without Catalá?! No ho crec!
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