I couldn't decide which I enjoyed more...the displays of fishes, frogs, skates, rays, corals and clownfish, or the mullets, the New Orleans Saints football jerseys, and the many personalities gawking at life underwater.

aquarium is a true place of encounters, literally...complete with a stingray petting pool. Yes, you can pet a stingray, and even pet a baby nurse shark. Somehow, the stingrays are trained. You merely roll up you sleeves, insert your arm in the tank, make a fist and then extend your index and middle fingers. The rays swim over and hover just under your digits. Then, you gently rub behind their head. I was amazed and even amused when one of the rays protested by splashing a wing and spraying me with water when I cut my ray massage short. (That particular and seemingly docile dasyatid had a bit of an attitude.) Gabriela joined in, and massaged her own.

Here are a few glimpses from our time inside and outside of the water. If you want to massage the photos at your own pace, click
here with your index and middle fingers fully extended.
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