Friday, April 24, 2009

tulips, two-wheelers, and other tidbits...

Today, I indulged in a long lunch and walked across the Hill to the Senate side for some sushi. (The Dirksen office building cafeteria has a sushi stand, and the prices are ridiculously low. It is one of the Hill's best kept secrets.) On the way back, I walked through a sea of Segways sashaying behind the Capitol...a group of French-speaking tourists warming up for their guided procession.

Here are a few more tulips, tossed in with other tidbits of late. [Click here for the s(l)ideshow.]


Aida Rita said...

Oh my, 80's are considered oldies ... yikes !!

(Ken) said...

Pues si mija... :) I know! I'm going to plug in my iPod and play some Alphaville, Forever Young...

amalia said...

Wow! Those pictures gave me deja vu of the days I worked on the hill with your mom and the beautiful spring flowers....

(Ken) said...

(Those were good times...not too long ago.) These flowers and the constant landscaping and gardening provide a sense of tranquility...people at work...producing colorful results. It does seem surreal these days.

Motownrunner said...

Alphaville!!! I fear they landed in the pile of cassette tapes I took to the Salvation Army a couple of years ago. There were some treasures in that pile. Me encantan los tulips. Y las fotos de familia estan super. Abrazos, Margara

(Ken) said...

...just imagine, there is probably a young teenager listening to your Alphaville cassette with a Sony Walkman...walking down the streets of Madagascar or East Timor, nodding his head to the beat.

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I am an anthropologist by training. I can daydream in a few languages, and enjoy finding hints of the exotic in the everyday.

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