My friend Elise exhibited her work yesterday. Fragments of text, memory shards, truncated exclamations of self and other utterances weave in and out of her art. Her new productions eloquently bind disparate and dissonant articulations upon linen. Snippets of speech, status updates, and dream dross. An intrigue in the intersections of memory and experience inspire and fuel her creative frenzy.

She began to paint again after keeping the canvas at bay for over a decade. It was a delight to meander through her projections...
This blog is...
...a space for focusing and commenting on images, for ranting in the lexicon of pictures, for exploring the dissonance and/or consonance between words and digital aperture into the marginalia of the everyday or the unusual.
Feel free to cast your own impression and post a comment, or remain underexposed, and lurk in the darkroom.
Others' eccentricities...
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