D.C. United, at best, is a mediocre soccer team this year...playing in a mediocre league, when compared to the standards of European play. Nevertheless, it is our home team. So we gladly accepted a neighbor's invitation to join them and a score of other families for a match against the Houston Dynamo, the league champions. The original game was scheduled for early June. Rained out. Rescheduled for yesterday, July 22. Power outages at RFK stadium cancelled that game. Rescheduled for this evening. So we headed into D.C. against the grain of rush hour to enjoy the event. What are the odds...right?
Well, before the deluge disrupted play, we soaked in a few notable events. The kids participated in a pre-game activity that had them in the middle of the pitch as the national anthem was played. We saw "Darth Hooligan," one of the famous crazy fans. Best of all...you know those crazy t-shirt launchers that run around at sporting events catapulting cotton towards the stands or rafters. Well, the launchers approached our section and I saw the t-shirt coming right at me. The camera was in my left hand, and before I could decide how to shift it around Daniela made a major league one-hand grab. She caught it. Minutes later...the skies opened up and we donned our rain gear. Houston led 1-0 at the 53rd minute...when lightning struck a transformer and most of lights went out. So...we headed home. Play resumed hours later, and Houston won 2-0.
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