Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Cohort Continuum...

It started the first year of high school, September...1981. We have been friends for a long time and have shared a multiplex of escapades. Our kids are the same age, and we make an effort, at least once a year to have them hang out together. The routine is usually limited to a few hours during the hectic holiday season. This year we turned time elastic, and planned for a longer stretch.

He drove up from NC with the girls, landing in Arlington on Sunday afternoon. They left this morning. But for those brief hours in between, we talked about the past, and watched the future at play around us...aging gracefully, an aging aided by the purity of pre-teen laughter.

If you prefer to frolic up close, join the kid-scapes by clicking here.


This blog is...

...a space for focusing and commenting on images, for ranting in the lexicon of pictures, for exploring the dissonance and/or consonance between words and digital hieroglyphs...an aperture into the marginalia of the everyday or the unusual.

Feel free to cast your own impression and post a comment, or remain underexposed, and lurk in the darkroom.

About Me

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I am an anthropologist by training. I can daydream in a few languages, and enjoy finding hints of the exotic in the everyday.

Others' eccentricities...


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