A few months ago, I planned an early morning weekend visit to the steps behind the Lincoln Memorial, and Ari volunteered to tag along. We sat on the steps and watched the crew teams row along the Potomac. We talked and we took pictures. I saw that his shadow was taller than mine, and I couldn't resist musing about the omen and its interpretations. Click. After about an hour, he gave me the look , "Are we done?" So, we headed to our favorite bagel shop for breakfast.
That day will arrive soon enough, the day foreshadowed by the moment when a father sees his son's shadow reach beyond his own. For now, I'll defer the future and focus on the specific moment...that hour on those steps.
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You are such a rockstar!!!!!!!!!! I love it!!! Margara
I love it too !!!
Hello Kenito!!
Beautiful picture, which soon reminded me of the popular stair shot by Sergei Eisenstein.
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