Each morning, he arrives at the office with his owner, Lisa, a veterinarian by training. Most of the day, he lays on a dark blanket near her desk. They go for their daily walk. I walk by her desk, and she is on the floor massaging his back, and his legs, and his snout. Their contact is framed by an unsettling empathy, as well as a discomforting urgency. I learned quite a bit about Trooper this week. Along with a remarkable personality and uncanny sociability, Trooper also has terminal cancer. He may endure for a few more weeks, or a few more months. Lisa told me that she will be a mess when he "goes," as she phrased it. Lisa and I traded stories, anecdotes, dramas, tales and narratives...all sewn together with the thread of cancer-tinged experiences.
I offered to take pictures of Trooper during one of their daily walks. Lisa then mentioned that she had hundreds of pictures of Trooper, taken by her boyfriend with his digital camera. I asked if she would share some of those pictures with me, and she did. These two are my favorites, and were taken a few years ago according to the data encoded in the images. The artistic quality of the photographs pales in comparison to Trooper's character...a compliment to both the photographer and his subject.

he is so awesome and strong! and what a great face.
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