Saturday, November 1, 2008

Witchy Women...

Yesterday evening, spectral wavelengths danced in costumes. The sisters reveled in relative mischief at the edge of the neighborhood bonfire as ghouls glowed in the dark. Pumpkins, carved anew by squirrely incisors, radiated a warm glow. After basking in the spectacle, we later faded into the nighttime carnival and began to trick or treat.


This blog is...

...a space for focusing and commenting on images, for ranting in the lexicon of pictures, for exploring the dissonance and/or consonance between words and digital aperture into the marginalia of the everyday or the unusual.

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About Me

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I am an anthropologist by training. I can daydream in a few languages, and enjoy finding hints of the exotic in the everyday.

Others' eccentricities...


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