The Turkey-fête overflowed onto my side of the family last night, as we made a "mejunje" from all the leftover relatives. We seized this opportunity to celebrate my cousin Karla's birthday. More than three decades have raced by since we last ran around the majestic Flamboyan, pelted each other with mangoes, and shared a ripe soursop from my grandmother's garden. Her daughter, thirteen, ran around with the younger cousins...comfortably climbing along this branch of the family tree.
Today, we shared some of the monumental sites with Karla and her daughter. I was reminded of how much I enjoy the city at night and of the permanence of its marble. I was reminded of how much I miss my youthful antics and of the permanence of nostalgia. This streetlamp we saw near the White House today was an interesting omen.

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Karla looks so serious .... what did you guys do to her?
Her daughter takes after her in how friendly she is with everyone.
She had lots of fun and did manage to laugh quite a bit. The serious look in the picture was probably related to her allergies. I offered Zyrtec and Claritin...but she just wouldn't take any. Es "cabezidura!" But we still had a blast.
The photos are spectacular. You guys are making me so homesick for family. Stop it!!
:) sorry...
So when are you going to parade your boy-toy around the DC area? That just may alleviate some of the homesickness ;)
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