Tuesday, November 11, 2008

winemaker's wittiness...

The display bottle intrigued me as I walked by, an elegant and simple design from a Virginia winery. So, I made a purchase from the vintner at the farmers market this past weekend...feeling a sense of pride in supporting our local wine growers. That evening, we poured a round and then, while inspecting the font my better half noticed the anomaly. "They misspelled Raspberry," she sang. "The p is missing."
I pondered the presumptive typo for a few days, and today I decided to email the winery. To my surprise, the owner replied an hour later. In his own words: There is a little story behind it. It was originally spelled wrong and we decided not to fix it because our wine has no "P". We have since made a couple minor changes and the new bottling will be spelled correctly. Thanks again and we hope you come out to visit us sometime.

I laughed...a Virginia winemaker soaked in self-effacing humor. After reading the email, I poured a bit of the Rasberry Merlot, thought about planning a trip to the vineyard, and with a smirk offered a toast...to all those who can make light of their mistakes. Cheers.


Elisa said...

Mira, whrn are you going to visit the "P" winery...sounds like a place I'd like to go and join you...Like my invite! I could use some Rasberry wine. ;-) Ella

amalia said...

Holi primi I wuld liki to go 2...

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